
Pounding the pavement

Raelene HallMidwest Times
Crows don’t always add to the peace and quiet of morning walks.
Camera IconCrows don’t always add to the peace and quiet of morning walks. Credit: Getty Images

My attempts at exercising are a bit like Chautauqua — baulk at the barriers, or start but don’t complete the race.

However having a dog has meant taking her for walks and there is no baulking at the barrier with her.

In fact, I don’t even need an alarm clock because she reminds me every morning.

One would then think if I had a break in the city, it would be the perfect time to sleep in and forget the walks but this dog haunts me from afar and so here I am up at sparrow’s f..., out treading the pavement.

I like walking down here. At times, it’s more like a leisurely stroll as I take in the sights of houses, gardens, traffic, roadworks and more but it’s the other walkers who I find most fascinating.

We are a varied lot. Some are obviously training to walk for Australia in the Tokyo Olympics this year, while others take it a bit easier, like me.

Many are walking dogs or should I say, the dogs are walking the people. I know that feeling.

Others seems to forget they have a dog on the end of the leash and are happily striding along while poor old doggo is desperately trying to sniff where the last dog peed and add his message but just as they lift their leg or squat, the lead drags them on.

Just imagine being dragged away from the loo every time you wanted to go.

I nearly got caught out this morning. I was just about to tell some crows flying over my head exactly what I thought of them (not a fan of crows) when I heard fast-moving footsteps behind me.

Obviously this person meant business, so I got out of the way and watched as a man strode ahead of me and out of sight in five seconds flat.

His calves had muscles on the muscles, I swear. Wonder what my calves look like from behind?

Probably fortunate I don’t know and hopefully no one will be rude enough to tell me.

I do feel quite virtuous about doing my early morning walk every day and it makes it easier to justify that hunk of chocolate.

Another good thing about early morning walks is that they are a great time for the brain to generate another column.

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